Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wikis experience

My suggestion to relieve stress at work is:
Try doing Tai Chi - you can just "zone out" - stretch your body and your mind - relax - find your inner "Chi"

Working all day at the computer can cause you some serious muscle and eye strain-you need to relax-get up-stretch-forget who you are and where you are-zone out for a time. Wouldn't it be great if at 3:00 o'clock every day we can all just stop what we're doing-get up out of our chair or just stop working and stretch your body and your mind!

Wikis have already shown me other ways that I can stress out at work.
You can see ideas that others have on anything-be it a common work problem, planning meetings, get togethers, lunches etc.
You don't always want to speak your mind in front of a group, but typing it out online can be less stressful.

Creating my Wiki identity turned out to be much more difficult than I thought it would be, but it finally worked with some help from LL and now I can go to my "next to last" Web2 task.

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