Saturday, January 12, 2008


I found that my tagging experience was much easier than my Wikis experience! (which I skipped right now because I have a problem with creating my identity). Anyway, I'm already used to saving my favourite sites-but they are not really "fun" sites, mostly "necessary" sites and they're not tagged. But it did take quite some time to come up with a username not already used! It will be great to access my "fun" sites fast when I'm in the mood for relaxing and stressing out-with my favourite music and YouTube, etc. I'll keep these sites separate from my "necessary" favourites sites.
Tagging would be great for anyone young or old-researching anything! Students could tag all the necessary sites for their projects so they can keep going back to their work and the info they need would be there at the click of the mouse. It would be an invaluable tool for researching, say, your family history-there are tons of sites and when a personal tag is added, it's a fast and easy route to the specific information you need.
I think it's probably easier than bookmarking because having your own personal tag attached to a site will direct you to exactly what you're looking for at the time.
I'll probably keep using for my "fun" sites.

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